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Lava Stone Diffuser Bracelet


A natural lava stone diffuser bracelet with the option of Howlite, Turquoise or Tigers Eye stones. Complete with a gift bag.

Lava rock is a porous material that can quickly and cleanly absorb essential oils and disperse them throughout the day. A fully adjustable attractive bracelet to enhance well-being.

Howlite is a healing crystal used to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. It has been shown to help with insomnia, anxiety, stress relief, headaches and migraines.

Tigers Eye is good for seasonal affective disorder, clears negative energy and builds confidence.

Turquoise improves the immune system’s ability to fight disease. It treats symptoms of respiratory diseases and eliminates toxins from the the blood. Also, promotes and strengthens bone health.

These bracelets can be used with your oil throughout the day for continuous support whether you are working, practising yoga, picking up the kids or just relaxing at home.

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